The methods and attributes in this category apply to–and can be used by–nearly every expression in After Effects.
These global, top-level elements have been grouped into several categories for the sake of organization.
Those categories are:
- Global is for broad, commonly-used elements such as the current comp or property; the current comp time, and so on.
- Time Conversion holds various methods for converting time to and from various other methods.
- Vector Math provides a suite of methods for working with vectors and arrays.
- Random Numbers is for generating randomness within your expression.
- Interpolation is for converting values from one set to another, or using one set of values to drive another set of values.
- Color Conversion is for changing between colour modes (such as converting RGB values to HSL, or Hex values to RGB)
- Other Math is for all other assorted math– namely, converting between degrees and radians for rotation values.